One package, one price, one month
All services are inclusive and result in your centralized data basis in just 31 days.
Clear objectives with exactly defined working steps will save you time and resources during introduction.
Your resources will be tied up for a month exactly.
MarketingManager Sprint package for retailer
Full PIM/DAM system
Article-related, multilingual management of all product and media data
Company-wide overview, control and distribution of all linked product information
Target search based on content, date of creation and according to individual criteria
Multi-user system for the company-wide data access including user privileges
Workflow management including versioning
Integrated image processing functions
Automated publishing/dissemination of product and media data
Multilingual and native clients for Windows and MAC OSX
Customized input mask
Customized workflow including data reconciliation and consolidation from the merchandise management system and supplier lists
Modules for CMS systems (e.g. Typo3, Drupal) for page generation and page content updates*
Modules for automatic document creation in Microsoft Office, Open Office, Libre Office*
Modules for HTML/PDF/XML output*
* One module included
Introductory workshop with a requirements analysis, determination of the workflows and task planning of the team members
Implementation service: System installation and training on the job
Follow-up workshop: Tracking of the results and clarification of needs for adjustment and extensions
Benefits for retailer
Informing customers efficiently
Today’s customers buy from online stores as well as stationary retailers. More than 40% of stationary buyers obtain information from the Internet beforehand and make a pre-selection. Today more than ever, the efficient generation of product information at digital and stationary touchpoints is a key challenge for a company’s success.
The objective of our MarketingManager Sprint package is the quick introduction of your PIM system, which automates the most important data workflows in your company and eliminates known productivity killers. Based on the sprint packages, the MarketingManager can be developed in many directions. After the system start, the additional workflows can be introduced step by step with great efficiency and without negatively impacting your daily productivity.
Standardized product data for automated data integration into other systems are only available for a few industries. MarketingManager combines the product data of various manufacturers and automatically reconciles the data from merchandise management systems. Subsequently, the data inventories are managed in a structured manner, updated or locked with all linked data and documents.
Customers are heterogeneous and use all touchpoints for their purchases. As a result, offering product information that is always up to date quickly becomes a genuine challenge. From the centralized data basis, MarketingManager enriches the product data and distributes them as product information across channels and according to predefined rules for marketing and sales.
A large number of connectors for online and print facilitate a connection to existing systems. This way, you can automatically fill web stores but also create data sheets, price lists, labels and many other items in fully automated fashion.
Depending on the type and quality of the product data (or for time considerations), they cannot automatically be integrated into the system. MarketingManager provides customized input masks through which product data can be entered into the centralized data basis according to predefined rules. Subsequently, the product data can be used for all channels and be distributed automatically
Being able to react quickly to change or to rearrange information swiftly requires a goal-oriented overview of data inventories. MarketingManager’s centralized data basis facilitates flexible viewing of product information and the data linked to it. The structured views can be sorted according to product groups, manufacturers and many other criteria, thereby forming the basis for quick decision-making.
No hidden costs, clear timelines and a comprehensive service offering: Please enter your name and email address to receive an obligation-free starter offer for MarketingManager Sprint.
It takes a mere 31 days to get your individual PIM system, with clear objectives and defined working steps. Please request more information regarding the exact timeline.
Online presentation
Get to know our MarketingManager sprint package in a personal online presentation. Our experts will be happy to answer your individual questions.